AESHM Transitions

Majors Eligible to Join

New Fashion Design and Merchandising, Event Management, and Hospitality Management transfer students are eligible to join. 

Program Description

The AESHM Transitions Learning community is designed to assist students in their overall transition to their new major in Fashion Design and Merchandising, Event Management, or Hospitality Management, to the College of Health and Human Sciences, and to Iowa State University. Specifically, students will learn about academic policies, procedures, resources, programs, as well as have opportunities to explore personal and professional goals and develop as a leader. There is an emphasis on connecting students to peers, faculty, and opportunities that will promote growth and success through in and out-of-class activities that allow for teamwork, creativity, problem-solving, critical thinking, and self-management concepts. 

Living Options


Signing up

Students will have an opportunity to register for this learning community during Transfer Orientation and class registration.


Photo of Chad Reis

Chad Reis