
ISU Learning Communities Mission

To support Iowa State University’s commitment to student learning, the Learning Community program enhances undergraduates’ experience by providing interested students with dynamic, focused communities in which students, staff, and faculty can learn and grow together.

Intended Outcomes

To reach the intended outcomes of the learning communities the University must monitor its progress and continually improve the learning communities. The following intended outcomes provide a framework for continuous assessment and improvement. Individual learning communities will develop relevant intended outcomes that are consistent with the following University learning community outcomes.

Students in learning communities will:

  • develop a sense of belonging in the university community
  • experience higher academic achievement
  • increase curricular and co-curricular collaborative interactions with other students, faculty, and staff
  • more readily achieve the articulated learning outcomes specified by departments or programs
  • demonstrate increased awareness of departmental, college, and University resources
  • demonstrate improved critical thinking and collaborative problem solving skills
  • demonstrate improved knowledge and skills related to career opportunities
  • demonstrate a better understanding of differences and similarities among people
  • experience a higher level of satisfaction with the University experience
  • show a greater rate of persistence as a result of all of the above.

Faculty and staff in learning communities will experience:

  • increased collaborations with students, faculty, and staff
  • increased implementation of active and collaborative teaching and learning strategies
  • connections between curricular and co-curricular experiences
  • increased knowledge about students and their development
  • improved reflective practice
  • disciplinary and interdisciplinary collegiality
  • increased knowledge about university resources
  • increased involvement in professional development activities
  • increased connections between their learning community work and their scholarship
  • increased recognition and reward.
Learning Communities Organization